一个多世纪以来, the 创意学院 (CCS) has distinguished itself as one of the premier institutions of higher learning in the world. 现在的学院的历史可以追溯到1906年,当时一群当地的公民领袖, 受到英国工艺美术运动的启发, 成立了底特律工艺美术协会. The Society’s mission was to keep the ideals of beauty and craftsmanship alive in what was rapidly becoming an industrialized world. 原址在法默街, 社团成员开始教授非正式的基本设计课程, 绘画和木雕. In 1911, they opened a gallery where students as well as prominent modern artists displayed and sold their work.
As Detroit’s creative community continued to take root, the Society recognized the need to expand. 他们搬到了沃森街一个更大的地方(1916年), 十年后成为第一个提供正式的艺术和手工艺组织之一, 四年制艺术课程(1926年). 一年内, 底特律工艺美术协会的艺术学校发展到280名学生.
Much of the school’s success was attributed to its close integration of rigorous courses with progression of the art and design movements and world-class, 当代展览——一个继续盛行的传统. 除了招聘人才, 本地艺术家及设计师, 这所学校寻找著名的画家, 来自世界各地的雕塑家和手工艺人来授课. In 1933, the Society’s gallery garnered national media attention as one of the first art institutions to recognize the automobile as an art form. This was around the same time that programs in industrial design and commercial art were introduced to the school’s curriculum.
The school relocated for a third time in 1958 to its current location near the city’s cultural center. The move provided students with more convenient access to the Detroit Institute of Arts’ impressive collection. 所有的班级和办公室最初都设在艺术馆内 & 山崎实设计的工艺建筑.
In 1962, the school officially became a college when the Michigan Department of Education authorized the institution to offer of a Bachelor of Fine Arts in industrial design. 八年后, 学院被授予所有专业的学位授予权. The National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD) granted original accreditation in 1972, and the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA) granted regional accreditation in 1977.
接下来的四十年给校园带来了几次改善和重大变化. In 1975, 获得建筑大奖的克雷斯-福特大厦竣工, and the Detroit Society of Arts and 工艺s changed its name to the Center for Creative Studies—College of Art and Design. The school acquired an apartment building adjacent to campus (the Art Centre building) in 1988 that serves as the main dormitory on campus and the building that formerly housed Detroit’s African American Museum of 历史 in 1997 that was later transformed into the Academic Resource Center (now the Manoogian Visual Resource Center), 里面有中心画廊和图书馆. 1999年,校园里又增加了一座停车场, 在2001年的秋天, 学院为沃尔特B. 福特II型建筑的设计和技术驱动的学科. 资助这个项目的捐款是当时给艺术学院的最大一笔捐款. 那一年, two historic homes on the northern side of campus were also renovated to accommodate administration and 招生 offices.
2001年对学校的未来是一个重要的里程碑. Results of a research study led to the Board of Trustees’ decision to change the school’s name to the 创意学院 (CCS) to more clearly communicate its identity as an accredited, 授予学位“大学.”
约瑟芬·F. Ford Sculpture Garden was added in the fall of 2005 to provide a gathering place for the campus community, 2007年, the College renovated another home on historic Ferry Street to house the Institutional Advancement and Human Resources offices.
In 2008, CCS开始了迄今为止最重要的项目——耗资1.45亿美元对760号海底隧道进行再开发,000 sq. ft. 历史悠久的Argonaut大楼(原通用汽车的第一个研究和设计工作室). Located in Detroit’s New Center district (about a mile from the original Walter and Josephine Ford 校园), 该建筑充当了A. 阿尔弗雷德陶布曼设计教育中心.
陶布曼中心是学院五个本科设计系的所在地, 色彩与材料设计研究生学位课程, 综合设计, 交互设计和交通设计以及大学预科艺术与设计, 一所面向初高中学生的艺术和设计特许学校. This second campus site has enabled CCS to expand its curriculum to include new areas of the creative industries, improve facilities for all of its departments and connect with the local community through Design Core Detroit. It represents the College’s commitment toward accelerating metro Detroit’s transition to an innovation-based economy by renewing the infrastructure of an important urban neighborhood; attracting, developing and retaining talent in the creative industries; spurring research in sustainable product development; and creating jobs and new business opportunities. The original Ford campus continues to house arts and crafts disciplines as well as the majority of administrative offices.
The College’s legacy has contributed to its recognition as an international leader in art and design education. 2007年,彭博商业周刊将CCS列为世界顶级设计学院之一. 2014年,领英(LinkedIn)根据校友成就将CCS列为美国第三大设计学院. 学院现有在校生1万多人,400名学生在11个专业攻读本科学位, 4个研究生学位和1个教师认证项目. CCS also offers non-credit courses in the visual arts through its Precollege and Continuing Studies programs and annually provides over 4,000 high-risk Detroit youth with art and design education through the 社区 Arts Partnerships programs.
A century of tradition shaped by some of the most brilliant minds in the world has culminated in a truly unsurpassed institution of higher learning—a community where the creative spirit is free to soar.